EUR and GBP are moving in different directions



The pair touched yesterday 1.14, and some traders decided to fix their profits. However, today bulls again are trying to climb higher than that level. Such activity of the market players is rather unusual. More often before the USA employment data are released markets behave very quiet focusing on the upcoming news and lately blowing the chosen trend with the total strength. Nevertheless, last months have shown that employment data from the USA losing its big influence, not affecting huge bouncing on stock and Forex markets. The reasons of this are not in the underestimation of the data but in the more…

Is it a new wave for Gold?


The pair was fluctuating yesterday in the tight range of 40 points, but managed to come back to the starting levels by the end of the day. However, this can be considered as a small sign for changing of market sentiments since we have monitored the stable pair decline from the beginning of the week. As a whole we can admit that the pair has stabilized with the resistance level 1.1150 and has gained almost 70% after FOMC comments last week and 38.2% from the total pair rally that happened during ECB and FRS decisions. Unemployment Claims from yesterday’s release were more…

EUR clings to 1.2500


Euro-bears almost reached the preceding lows in the pair. EURUSD dropped down to 1.2456 during the day, yet the weekly low of 1.2437 was left untouched. While the morning weakness could be accounted for by the disappointing rates of the EU Final PMIs, the pair’s recovery during the US session could hardly be explained by any fundamental factors. But let’s relate everything in due order. The Services PMI and Composite PMIs for Italy and France proved to be in the green zone, besides the Italian activity in the services sector even became more intense in comparison with the previous month, which more…

Will FOMC revise its plan to terminate QE in October?


The single currency keeps drifting near 1.2750, having no desire to fall and no strength to grow. The six-week decline of stock indices arouses more and more concern among the Fed’s officials. Though they don’t assert that this behaviour of the markets will make FOMC revise its plan to end QE in October, they still promise to consider it in the coming days. Rosengren, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, said that QE will be finished in October if nothing dramatic occurs. So now market participants are trying to make out how dramatic the recent sale, which lasted for more…

Pernicious for USD, favourable for EUR


The US market was trying to form a rebound off the weekly open almost all through the day yesterday, but these attempts were ruined by the bears’ finale. As a result, the stock exchanges again fell sharply, developing last week’s decline. This behaviour of the stock market has a beneficial impact on EURUSD. During bears’ attacks the euro is growing against the dollar. Yesterday afternoon the pair went as high as 1.2757, thus growing by a figure and a half over the day. The fluctuations of the recent week vividly show how much the market volatility has increased. Traders are trying more…