Bears win back 200-day MA in EUR


Thursday’s stats on US employment contributed to strengthening of the US dollar. Yet, growth of the latter is least conspicuous against the pound, but against the euro and the yen the US currency has appreciated well enough. The dollar bulls want to depict the recent surrender of the 200-day MAs in EURUSD and USDJPY as an occasional and short-term trip beyond the key levels. The main reason for this movement is perfect employment statistics. The employment has grown by 288K, in the private sector its increase has been also good – by 262K. As a result, the average semiannual growth totals more…

Flying Kiwi


The US dollar has closed the second week with decrease. The dollar index is again flirting with the rate of 80, which hasn’t been seen for over a month. The main reason for such pressure  is poor consumer demand. Apart from Wednesday’s downward revision of the final GDP data for the first quarter, yesterday we got consumer spending statistics for May. This is a wider indicator than retail sales, the Fed often appeals to it when considering consumer activity. So, yesterday’s data proved to fall short of expectations. The personal spending last month grew by 0.2% (against the expected by 0.4%). more…

Degrading US GDP for 1Q


Yesterday’s data on the US GDP proved to be a real disaster and caused weakening of the US currency. Often the final (third) estimate of the US GDP doesn’t bring any significant changes, but this time the annualized growth rates were considerably revised down to -2.9%. Yet, the expected decline made only 1.8%. A month ago it was reported about the decrease by 1.0% and initially – about growth by 0.1%. Thus, with time the GDP estimate for the first quarter has deteriorated. Many experts, including the Fed’s members, think that it is an extremely retrospective view as it considers a more…

USD: a step back


The single currency feels quite confident. At least it is strong enough to get above 1.3600. Yet, it should be noted that the attempts to fray nerves of the 200-day MA haven’t been crowned with success. For now. On Thursday the pair got to 1.3642 and on Friday – to 1.3633 with the daily closure at 1.3600, just like now. And the 200-day MA has now risen to 1.3660 against 1.3630, when it tested that important technical level in May. The pair’s strength is mainly explained by certain disappointment of investors in the dollar. The Fed’s members don’t hurry with the more…

FOMC’s caution puts pressure on USD


The mild Yellen has remained her own self. Against our expectations that FOMC would learn a lesson from the financial crisis and would choose another policy for the Fed, it treated the macroeconomic forecasts with great caution after the poor beginning of the year. The long-term GDP forecasts were slightly revised down. Though at the same time the spread between the rates increased, thus reflecting a more hawkish mood than earlier. The markets preferred not to focus on the last moment, seeing only caution regarding the future measures. The markets got quiet about the possible acceleration of tapering and approach of more…