Your Favorite Brand Can be Your Next Trading Asset

Have you ever obsessed over a certain brand? A clothing line, tech products, or even a social media platform and wondering how profitable this global company might be? We all hear about investing in stocks, and the few lucky who invested in global stocks at the right time, and have now made a decent amount of profit thanks to their shares, but we simply can’t afford to do the same.

Well, this achievement may not be as expensive as you’ve imagined. The fact is, you don’t need massive amounts of money to take advantage of a company’s stock. With CFD stocks, you can more…

FX Webinars: Bringing Traders Closer During a Pandemic

It hasn’t been all bad for traders forced to spend more time at home. As it turns out, governments’ measures to stop the spread of COVID 19 have given traders more time to learn how to trade online.

In many ways, you could say 2020 was the year of the Webinar.

According to a recent study by GoToWebinars, online webinars and educational resources were already gaining steam before the Covid outbreak at the end of 2019. By March 2020, the number of webinars available online shot up by 330%. Webinar attendees had doubled, and it’s been doubling monthly since.

People by the millions, have signed up more…

3 Times in History, When Traders Struck Gold

Imagine you could travel back in time to any year you wanted. Maybe you have a time machine or a special power. Which year in history would you choose to travel back to?

Before you jump to your favorite costume’s era, consider the years when savvy traders made hundreds of thousands, even millions, almost overnight from the financial markets, simply because they made the right trade at the right time.

Wouldn’t you want to go back to these events in time and set yourself up for life too? Here are three times you could have struck gold if you’d been there, done that! Keep them in mind more…

What is the relationship between plague and assets?

The new corona-virus that originated in China and swept the world has attracted the attention of most people, it had influence on the trend of many financial assets at the same time. Then what is the relationship between different financial assets and the plague?

  1. Stock indices and individual stocks. As far as the stock index is concern, the essence of stock indices is “multiple stocks in each industry / local currency”. We have noticed that many funds call for “the world belongs to the optimists” and “buy stocks”, but they are not really optimists. During epidemics or wars, the purchasing power more…

Margin Trading – Safer Choice than Stocks Trading

As we all know, there are many different investment targets in the world. It can be felt that risks are different when trading different symbols . Many people believe that margin trading (CFDs like foreign exchange pairs) is a high-risk variety. Is that true? This article categorizes the risks of common trading methods (including foreign exchange transactions), which would be helpful for amateur traders.

Level 1 – Trades that do not require a stop loss.

Generally speaking, we cannot trade without taking risks, and the probability of success of a transaction is often not 100%. In order to prevent losing all their money, more…