Markets paint the countries black and white, without any shades of grey


Obama decided to seize the chance and surf the wave of people’s wrath with large banks. The US President pointed out that the JPMorgan loss would lead to tougher regulation of financial institutions. This is just what we feared when spoke about the $2bln loss of businesses (further it may even amount to 3bln). Such perspectives are favoured neither by investors nor by companies. As a rule, at these important points, when the fate of such bills hangs in the balance, the markets go down. Since the USA is heading for presidential elections, Obama will try to play his card as more…

EUR plunged below 1.29. Politicians consider the losses the Greek secession may inflict


The single currency opened the day with a drop below 1.29, caused by the persisting political uncertainty in Greece. Apart from the Bloomberg’s survey which forecasts the more than 50 % probability that “at least one country will leave EU by the end of the year”, some European officials already say that the consequences of this step are discussed at the summit level. As many times before, the deadline for the political decisions on Greece has been passed with no certain decision taken. The country still doesn’t have the government. The ECB’s Honohan said that “technically” Greece can disintegrate the euro, more…

Keeping our fingers crossed for Greece


‘Hedging failed’ – that’s the way Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan CEO, has described the trading loss of $2bln. In fact, the losses will hardly end there and in this quarter there will be further losses resulting from market volatility. Some especially meticulous analysts suppose that the company will possibly lose another $3bln. It’s a hard blow for the reputation of the company and its managers. Such unexpectedly bad news not only put pressure on the stocks at the end of the American session, but also can become an eventful moment in the fight of investors against Walker’s rule. All this may or more…

Greece again provokes risk aversion


Yesterday we mentioned that the best variant for Europe is the absence of news. However, that situation couldn’t last for long. The political uncertainty in Greece again revived market agitation. The Greek Left Coalition leader declared that the bailout terms set by the EU and IMF should be nullified. For now these statements haven’t taken the form of laws yet and probably will never take it. But the European leaders will now think twice before issuing of another aid tranche to Greece. The country quite easily managed to disclaim the private debt obligations. That happened with the help of the EU more…

No news is good news


Monday’s trading was mainly quiet. After the drop, caused by the results of French and Greek elections, the single currency managed to recover from 1.2955 to 1.3065. But still technically the morning gap remained uncovered. To do that EUR/USD needs to rise up to 1.3080. The old saying – ‘no news is good news’ – is evermore true now. Yesterday that stance helped the euro to grow and it may do it today as well. Frankly speaking, this statement is only partially true: there was some news coming, but it was not of great importance. Thus, the German Factory Orders came more…