In January we prepared for you another exciting offer – we called it Double extra 25%.
The offer created for traders who would like to get two benefits at once:
- 25% marginal bonus to your deposits from amarkets
- 25% cashback additionally to the standard cashback from globe gain
Let's start 2019 successfully!
Terms and Conditions
1. Accounts opened in AMarkets via Globe Gain are eligible for the promo. The promo starts on 01/01/2019 and lasts till 31/01/2019.
2. The offer includes marginal trading bonus – 25 % and extra cashback -25%.
3. The requirements of the offer:
3.1. A new account in AMarkets should be opened via Globe Gain
3.2. The account should be deposited. The internal transfers are not counted
3.3. The minimum deposit is 100 usd
4. In order to get the bonus a trader should:
4.1. Make a new deposit
4.2. Send the bonus request to support@amarkets.com. The request should contain the trading account number and the promotion code name – Double 25 % with Globe Gain. Marginal bonus can be added to each new deposit made in January. The minimum deposit to request the bonus is 100 USD.
5. Marginal bonus is totally tradable, i.e. bonus can be used in the drawdown. In case the client makes any withdrawal from the account, bonus is automatically deducted (whole or the remaining amount of it). The rest rules of marginal bonus from AMarkets are regulated by the company's client agreement and Bonus terms and conditions.
6. The extra cashback from Globe Gain (25%) will be calculated as follows:
Standard cashback * 25%. The extra cashback from Globe Gain will be added to clients by Globe Gain until 11/02/2019.
7. Globe Gain reserves the right to exclude any trading account from the promotion in case any trading abuse is detected by the broker (AMarkets).
Important notice:
* In case the trade lasted less than 2 minutes, a trader does not get cashback for the trade in AMarkets (as per the rules of the broker).
** In order to receive a cashback, the client's account should be fully verified, otherwise, the Company reserves the right to decline the remuneration to the Partner, and hence the rebate payout.