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Forgalom / hó (lot-ban)
az Ön Kedvezménye / hó*
*Hozzávetőleges becslés

If account has never been traded, you need send the email to be placed under our IB group. The sample of email mentioned below.

If account has been traded, to get rebates you need open a new trading account. You need login to “FxPro Direct” and open a new account in “My accounts” section. As soon as account will be opened you need send the request to the email mentioned below.

As soon as you get confirmation from FxPro that you account was placed under our IB group, you can transfer funds from your old account to a new one using FxPro Vault.

Email should be sent to: backoffice@fxpro.com

Dear Sirs,

Please place my account ............... (put your new account number with FxPro) under IB 162122.

Kind regards,

As soon as your account will be placed in our IB group, please send us confirmation to support@globegain.com. We need this action to speed up the approval your account with our system.

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